Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Having been limited in my outings (none) and things to do with myself these 5 weeks, I have had a lot of time to ponder what I am grateful for. OH MY GOODNESS there is so much. It is not just with the surgery but extends to many corners of my life. I am trying in this new year to daily list at least 5 things I am grateful for using this gratitude journal. It definitely causes one to look at the events of the day and life with optimism and happiness.

Today I'm looking at the list of things I prayed for as well as many of you as well as I went into surgery. God loves us to reflect and look behind us to how He has been there with us through times that are new,uncertain, hard and even frightening.

Prayer Requests for My Surgery - Posted Dec 15, 2008

- That I won’t fall. My balance will be totally different.
My balance has been so different. Before I would catch myself listing and have to hold onto something. So different now.

- Peace through recovery.
I have been given this. I may be impatient but not frightened. Each day has given me a little more strength and ability.... what a peace booster this is.

- That God would show His power in Doug’s and my lives
He has done this for us. We have felt His strength as each day we faced new demands requiring new patience. It has been evident that He has been in the mix with us.

- Strength & perseverance for Doug and Carissa as they care for me
I am amazed at these 2. They have cared for me with smiles overlaid with sacrificial giving of themselves. It has been demanding and not easy but never have they complained or seemed exasperated. God has given them what they didn't even realize they would need.

- For my bones to REGROW rapidly and the fusion to be successful.
I will not know how this is going til Feb 2. I'm excited for that xray.

- Protection from infection
Thankfully there have been no complications. It is wintertime and "bugs" are everywhere -- but not with me! Infection in the hospital is a scarry thing as well as what people "bring" into our home.

- Hospital staff to be alert and conscious of my needs.
My needs were met but I must say my overnight "angels" were my advocates. They were on task aggressively getting help for me. Hospital staff respond to a person standing in the hall saying -- "We need some help here"

- For God to be with Carissa. This is a new role for her.
I know Carissa is my daughter BUT I must say she has been UNBELIEVABLE. She has run the care and details seamlessly. I have no idea how much work has gone into this. I'm been oblivious. All I know is that I have had caregivers and meals showered on me.
Joy Chapman has juggled and rearranged the meals and my "tastes" fantastically. What great girls these are and how grateful I am for them.

- For God to use this in my life and teach me things about Himself that I would not learn otherwise.
His peace has been so strongly evident. My harpist friend came at the height of the hard hospital time. One of the songs that brought tears to Doug, Carissa and myself was---

Sleep my child and peace attend thee,
All through the night
Guardian angels God will send thee,
All through the night

God has mended my body with good sleep and kept me safe from harm through all this recovery.

- That I would not be afraid of the pain & that it would be manageable.
This happened. Yes there was pain but never more then was bearable or manageable.

- For good use of this down time & for my mind to be alert. (this may be totally off the chart but I'd like it!)
Well... not so sure about this one. Does cleaning drawers count for good use of down time? My mind.... well it's still not what I'd like but perhaps it never has been :)

- Protection of my back bones during surgery. Some places that will be getting the screws are now very narrow. Pray my bones will hold screws in place.
I love the doctors words after the surgery --"Cheryl, you're lying on a home run". What a neat visual picture of the answer to our prayers.

- That we would be a “light” in the hospital and for an opportunity to perhaps minister to others who are going through what we are. The hospital ONLY does orthopedic and spine surgery.
We did not have contact with other patients but there are ones on the horizon that I am meeting who are scheduled for "my surgery". We have already established relationships so God will not waste any of this.

- Patience for me. The recovery will be very slow – months. The progress will not always be noticeable. I will need to be a plodder.
I'm plodding and at times wish I could scurry around and take care of things here. Putting pants on is time consuming as well as socks. I can't just jump into your "day clothes" of sweat pants. I must use a "grabber" and pull and maneuver one leg at a time. Oh bother!!

Well this is much longer then I thought it would be. I have revisited these pre-op prayers as much for myself as for you all. SOOOOOO much to cheer for and be grateful for. I hope these encourage you as much as they have me. You all are my angels doing the "hard" work behind the scenes praying for me. I'm not done yet... so don't stop!

I love you all and love that you're taking time to do some blogspotting.


Nana said...

Bout the alert mind thing ... God must think you need to rest that as well ... too much thinking can cause stress! Ware

Angelina said...

Hello, Cheryl!
I can only say that the benefit of your "down" time is a great privilege for me to get LOTS more insight into your life. What a blessing. I think of you often and pray for you. You have brought to my mind daily how very blessed I am and that because of God's grace, I have so little to complain about! You are AMAZING! The focus on every aspect of God's love in your daily life is simply AWESOME!
I will continue to life you, Doug, and ALL your "Angels" up to our Heavenly Father.
I am looking forward to hearing more about your progress!
Love in Christ,

Karen said...

What a beautiful thing to do --to sum it all up from the request to the outcome. All this downtown is a blessing, too. Gives you time to process! Love you!

Melodie Fights Cancer said...

Hey Cheryl- Enjoyed reading your blog this week. I have been thinking about you and miss you. Did you know that we are having a boy? We have given him the name Jonathan Eric. Jonathan because it is biblical and Eric because it is Jason's middle name.

Can't wait to read your next blog.

Jo Ann said...

Hey, my precious,
What a wonderful group of answers to prayer! I have had every request in my prayer book, and I have prayed them through daily (sometimes more than daily, sometimes just all day long). Yes, I agree with each of the answers. I have entered the answers in my book as I saw them happen. I do think you had a great testimony to the staff at the hospital, with their comments of how patiently you waited for things to happen, and how graciously you spoke and with the greatest amount of gratitude for the slightest amount of help. I also want to say that you have shown God's love and concern for anyone who came any where near you. Always with an eye to help whoever you could. That part of you never waivered.
So to all who are looking on, in my estimation ..Cheryl is a TRUE PICTURE OF A GODLY WOMAN RECOVERING FROM BACK SURGERY!! All cheers to you!!
How we do miss you at church, and are praying for a speedy return.
You're the BEST!!
Thanks for allowing us to see how God has answered you prayers thus far, and we will anxiously await the remaining answers, "standing in the gap for you", as Babby Mason would say.
Much love, many prayers, Jo Ann