Friday, January 9, 2009


Today marks 3 weeks since surgery. Hard to believe yet I am very aware that I'm very far from where I will eventually be.
I am dealing with continual aches and pains - hips and shoulders. I imagine these are the places where there was the most surgical rearranging and they hurt all through the day. Relief comes somewhat when lying down BUT this is the position I should be in the least. Walking and standing and lastly sitting are the best. Hard to spend 12 hours walking and standing so I rotate between sitting, walking, lying, sitting, waking, sitting & walking. I was told that complete recovery would not be reached for 12 months. I will be functional before then but all will not be complete. I do not know how long until I feel comfortable -- hope it's soon.

You all in blogland have been the best. I love the comments and I love the emails. Unfortunately this will have to satisfy me for now regarding connecting with you. I still tire easily, even from phone calls. I don't stay on the line long. Visits are still restricted -- just too much for me right now. The cards have been so beautiful with such beautiful words. I don't think I have ever read and savored cards so much :)

Doug is doing well. He is such an encouragement. I love beginning my day with his smile and his kisses. We feel so blessed to be able to have this time together. Not many husbands are able to do what he is doing -- and we thank our dear church family and elders for this.


Judy Cork said...

Hi Cheryl,
I love reading your comments on your blog. You are quite a warrior! I cannot even imagine the effort it took for you to get in and out of your car. I am praying for God to continue to encourage you. I found that the greatest enemy is think you are never going to be well and get so tired of hurting. God was so gracious to me, when I was at my lowest times I would always get a call, email or card, etc to lift me up. May God's love surround you. Judy

Karen said...

A little word picture for you today, from Charles Spurgeon:

"Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the window which hope has opened."

This seems so perfect for you, as you "dare" the stairs, enjoy the love and care of your husband, and look out the window at a new beginning.