Monday, April 13, 2009


Today I felt God's smile
We met with Dr. Horton this morning and got to see the beautiful bones which are grafting. I picked this picture for today's blog because I felt like God has infused healing into my body, my bones, and my life.

For those interested in some details. The doctor likened the graft to clay right now. It started as wet cement and will finish as hard cement. The xray shows mysterious fuzz, kind of like a shadow surrounding the bones of my spine. It was beautiful to my eyes. He also said -- Cheryl, you're ahead of schedule. I know that our prayers are being answered in this little paragraph.

Those of you close to me have heard me talk about the joint and muscle aches & pains. I decided to have a blood test taken to see if the PMR is a factor. Sure enough it is. In a way I am grateful that this is the cause rather then my surgery. The PMR will take care of itself... eventually. I am allowed to take Aleve/Advil which takes the edge off the discomfort.

What's up now for me --
Physical therapy. I'll do several rounds of it to work on flexibility of my legs mostly. I'll continue to swim as well.

How is my outlook -- fantastic! It is so exciting to literally see what God has done within me. The more I have reflected on where I was heading and where I was the more grateful I am for the repair to my body and what God has ahead for me. I had been searching for years to understand my back situation and finally found what I was looking for.

Am I glad I for have gone through all this? Oh My Yes!. Has it been easy -- Oh My No!. Would I do it again -- Definitely. Who does not want to be useful in the life they have been given! I don't know what's ahead but I'm more prepared physically then I was.

For those who have attended to me though countless ways, I cannot tell you how much I love you and appreciate your tangible evidences of your love for me. The biggest as I have said have been the prayers which I can honestly say have reached around our globe from people. There have been food, letters, emails, embraces, flowers, gifts, books, sitters, drivers, tears, fasting.... on so much. You all know who you are and I know seeing and hearing my recovery has bolstered your faith. It works like that doesn't it. We give -- and who get's the blessing... we do as well as the one it is directed towards.

I hope you all are greatly encouraged with today's blog. We're flying high over at 5753 Levelland Trail.

Have I been discharged -- not yet. I have a CAT scan in August to see how the fusion is. In the meantime I continue to mend and treat my body with respect and discipline.

PS -- the photo at the top is a little radical but it is how I feel.... touched by God's hand.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Summit

Wonder what this picture is about? I feel in a way that the worst is behind me, and that I have crested the summit. However as the fans of Jon Krakauer know (Into Thin Air), going down is difficult too.

The last 10 days have been different -- good different. The plodding seemed to be the same day after day and then about a week ago I realized I had a little more energy, a little more strength. I waited a few days before I made my conclusion. I indeed felt more like I used to. I kept smiling all day saying to myself -- I am healing. This recovery might not take the rest of my life.

Do I still experience pain and discomfort? Yes indeed, but a little less. I am able to do things all day long and not feel like crashing at 1 PM. I'm swimming (glorious) and use an exercise bike (not as much fun). I'm driving daily, cooking, doing the laundry (using a "grabber" to transfer clothes), going to church, working & heading back to a full day,and enjoying life much more.

A big day coming up is next Monday, April 13. I will see my surgeon and see if the bone graft has begun. This is the 4 month mark. Apparently the first signs of growth on xray are little bits of fuzz. What does one do to help promote bone growth -- eat lots of protein and I mean lots. My goal has been 100 gm a day. An FYI - an egg is only 5 gm. It is very difficult to hit this mark but most days I come pretty close.

I'll let you know how the appt goes on Monday.

I know you all have been praying. Thank you for not slowing up as I've improved. I feel your prayers and they are my underpinning. May God bless you.