Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hospital recovery, day 6 - morning

10:19 am EST - Update from Dad
Cheryl has turned a corner. Thanks for the prayer! She is feeling much better. Pain is way down. She's taking the initiative to get up and walk around. The doctor came in this morning and gave us the okay to go home today! Don't know exactly when it will be, but probably around lunchtime. Stamina still isn't great, but all her numbers look good and she is eating more. I think one good night's rest without being awakened and poked ought to do wonders. What a nice Christmas gift I get this year!

Thanks for standing with us in prayer. There have been wonderful parts to this whole process. The only negative has been seeing her hurt, and the worst of that now seems like a distant memory. She told the doctor this morning that her pain level is 2/10 lying down and 4/10 sitting or standing. That's down from 8/10 and 9/10 right after surgery. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!


Sandy Huff said...

Merry Christmas -- what a great blessing your family is having today. I'm so glad that Cheryl is doing well enough to go home. I can just see her sweet smile.

Nancy said...

Merry Christmas! Amazing progress...God is good.
Love, Steve and Nancy