Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Georgia & A Faraway Georgia

When I began preparing for my surgery, one of my desires in undertaking such a huge/massive operation is that God would allow me to be of use in other's lives who are dealing with scoliosis. Scoliosis is not a widespread disease and few people need to undergo corrective surgery. I have had the privilege of meeting two people dealing with this condition. One lives nearby in "my Georgia" and the other in Tiblisi, Georgia. The one locally is a woman who will be having this surgery in June. It has already created a bond between us. Everyone has experienced how helpful it is to know someone who has gone through what we are going through no matter if it is a physical or an emotional condition. It is a blessing to have another to help you along, to suppport and encourage you. This is what is developing between Jean and I.

The "other Georgia" is a doctor I have connected with from Tiblisi, Georgia (formerly part of USSR). Presently there is nothing in his country to treat or even advise scoliosis patients. He ultimately would like to begin a clinic in his country for just such a purpose. As God's providence would have it I have been able to connect him to my surgeon to discuss just such a venture.


Chad and Becky said...

I am glad you are already being given a ministry of encouragement because of this whole experience! How neat that you have been able to reach around the world because of this...only our God!

Jim and Karen Bouchard said...

Cheryl, God made you an encourager already, but how neat to be able to personally encourage another local Georgian by your own unique experience. Likewise, what a grand opportunity for the other Georgians that there may be treatment available in their country where there was none before. That's quite an impact, my friend. God has definitely answered your prayer in this regard.