Friday, February 13, 2009

NEWS FLASH - Cheryl Swims

Glad you all "enjoyed" the xray photos. They are as good for me as you because seeing is believing. I am so proud of my new back & the new me. It makes recovery much more pleasant and the future bright.

The surgeon gave me exercise instructions.
Walking -- no problem
Stationary exercise bike - no problem
Light free weights - no problem
Swimming -- you're kidding!!

Yesterday I tackled swimming. First I had to find a bathing suit that I could get out of when wet. Only women know the fun of getting out of wet suit but for me you have to add that you can't twist or bend!

The swimming experience was a little weird. I cautiously entered the shallow end. No problem. Then it came to the moment of needing to launch my body. I have now idea how much the "hardware" weighs and it if would weigh me down. I put my head down and my feet up and I felt kind of heavy. I quickly made sure I would not leave the shallow end :) I began kicking and stroking and presto I was swimming into deep water. YEA --it worked. It didn't feel like normal. It felt like what I imagine a turtle experiences -- arms and legs doing their thing while the middle stays in place. It was actually kind of fun once I got going and the physical comfort of being non-weight bearing was delightful.

My muscles are still really tight. At my post op appt I asked about my shoulders and upper back being so tight and in spasms. Normal they replied. What about my legs -- my hamstrings are in a wad and the range of motion of my legs is very small. Again, normal they said. My regime is to be 20 minutes of exercise 3x a week. Doesn't seem like much but I can guarantee each one takes a chunk out of my energy. I'm beginning to understand why I was told that total recovery is 12 months. I'm almost at 2 months. I have come a long way but feel very much like a decrepit old lady shuffling along and working hard getting into my car -- remember no twisting or bending.

I cannot tell you how emotional I am about ALL your interest and support of me through all this in so many creative ways. As I went to the doctor last week seeing so many hurting and physically restricted people, I became even more aware of how very much I owe where I am to each of you. Going through hard stuff is much easier when others are carrying you. I cannot describe it but those who have been in similar shoes know what I mean.

Why didn't I post a photo -- because it wouldn't be pretty!

Pray for persistence on my part with the exercise.


Ruth Hubbard said...

Cheryl -- As I have followed your journey over these weeks (mostly through this blog), I have consistently been moved to worship our God who is faithful to reveal himself through you. Thank you for offering yourself as a living sacrifice of praise!

Jim and Karen Bouchard said...

That you're swimming again, even cautiously, is amazing. God is so good, and you're moving steadily forward in your recovery. Be encouraged. It may seem slow, but it's on target and then some. You're doing great!