Monday, January 12, 2009

The Life of a Love Slave

Before now I have never had the privilege of having my own love slave. I have one of the best. The job description is extensive and sometimes not suited to people full of the "Y" chromosome. My love slave signed on for this task many years ago -- 42 to be exact. This year he began in earnest to exercise those skills and has done a fantastic job. I think it has overwhelmed both of us just how much it takes to care for a person who is totally incapable of caring for themselves... kind of like a 64 year old baby! It has surprised both of us how sweet the time together has been. He has been on call all the time and has kept up with everything and me -- laundry, kp, serving breakfast, lunch, dinner, bathing me, reading, groceries (which can be totally overwhelming..... e.g. raisins do not have a designated grocery shelf spot etc), encouraging me, walking with me outside and on and on. He is so gentle and responsive to each little request. The early days home were so constant. He commented one night that his calfs hurt! No wonder, I must have called for him every 10 minutes.

Thank you for praying for BOTH of us. I look at these 4 weeks and marvel at how smooth they have been. They have been hard but very peaceful and happy. I comment almost daily how happy I am. I am surrounded by human love from Doug and all of you and I am surrounded by God's tender care of me. It is so easy to forget the "silent and invisible" care being given. I have taken God's care and goodness much too for granted. In this time of weakness I see His hands and strength coming in many forms and from many directions. It is a gift to me.


Jim and Karen Bouchard said...

Cheryl, this picture made me smile and I'll share it and your post with Jim when he gets home tonight.
Reading of Doug's sweet care for you in this process is heartwarming, and we continue to pray for both of you
during this recovery time.
Love you, my friend.


Margo said...

Look how TALL you are! And the big, red coat looks wonderful with it's sweet inhabitant. Congratulations on your progress, and many stars in Doug's crown for all he is doing - what a gem!

Love to you both, Margo

Connie said...

I LOVED "SEEING" you and Doug!!! Wish it were more close up so I could actually see you BEAUTIFUL face!! How I miss you, Doug, and the AWESOME Saints at CBC!!
Keep up the incerdible work! You know you have TONS of prayers going up on your behalf.
Love and miss you!
In Christ's Love,

Unknown said...

So beautiful! How God is blessing both of you in this customized time He has given you both! What a testimony to Doug's character and love... and to your commitment to each other.

Here is your uplifting thought for the day, and you are already living this...

"Be thankful for the smallest blessing, and you will receive greater. Value the least gifts no less than the greatest, and simple graces as especial favors. If you remember the dignity of the Giver, no gift will seem small or mean, for nothing can be valueless that is given by the most high God." -- Thomas a Kempis, 1380-1471

Karen said...

I don't know why my last post was named Andrew! It's actually from me, Karen! You are doing so WELL and you look so TALL! Your recovery is playing out so beautifully. So so happy for you.

Sandy Huff said...

Cheryl: I don't think I have ever seen you eat so much as even one french fry. Congratulations on not only having the burger and fries, but also double frozen yogurt! I'm proud of you. With the new 3-1/2 inch length added to your torso, you can eat calories like this and still look thin. Once you get well, I'm going to be jealous. Seriously, it is so uplifting to me to read about how well you are doing. Can't wait for you to come back to WIS.