Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hospital recovery, day 3 - afternoon update

6:29 am EST - It doesn't seem overly optimistic to suggest that the most difficult part of Mom's recovery may be behind her.

Mom had a good night in the hospital. Praise God! She continues to respond very well to her current pain medication. And we have developed a food/medication timetable that really seems to work nicely.

She still didn't sleep as much last night as I would've liked. But that was not because she was uncomfortable. Instead, her slumber was interrupted by the constant merry-go-round of the nursing staff: Every 30 or 40 minutes it seems there was a new need to run a test, draw blood, check a vital sign, offer therapy....

OK, I'm obviously speaking this morning as someone who didn't get a lot of sleep last night and is feeling the tiniest bit grouchy. I just find it remarkable that despite the five billion medical advances we have made over the years, hospitals still can't orchestrate care so that patients can sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time.

So I'm hoping Mom can spend a lot of time sleeping today. I know that's probably wishful thinking, because she will be enduring a brand-new cycle of bloodwork, physical therapy, vital signs, etc. as soon as the day nurses clock in. But I'm just putting it out there.

Dad is caring for Mom during the day again today. He has been a faithful presence for her healing so far. He is doing a terrific job of looking after his bride. I love seeing them together, even in this less-than-storybook context.

I'll report back toward the end of the day with another progress report. In the meantime, I think I'll take a nap...

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3:33 pm EST - Oh, no big deal. Just your average Sunday afternoon, hanging out here at the hospital with Mom, WHO IS WALKING DOWN THE HALLWAY. Yes, folks, you read that right.

It's thrilling to witness this stage in her progression. In so many ways, her body has been reduced to that of a child's. Activities like walking, climbing stairs, dressing, and bathing are brand-new.

I was so proud to watch her fearlessly walk out into the hallway today. She is being so courageous. After she took a stroll with Tim and Dad down the hall and back this afternoon, I told her I was proud of her. She smiled. "Yeah, that was a pretty big deal, wasn't it?..."

She had her first serving of scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning. All of her tubes and ports have been completely removed. She is standing on her own now, in so many ways.


Jim and Karen Bouchard said...

What a blessing to have your beautiful updates! It's difficult to think of Cheryl having to go through the pain, but what a thrill to read about sitting up, standing, and walking already after such a grueling surgery. Your account of Angi's visit brought tears to my eyes too, and I'm so grateful she was able to do that for your Mom and for you all as well. Jim and I are thinking of Cheryl and praying a lot. Please convey that to her for us. I do hope you're both able to get some sleep today after your busy night.

Ware said...

What a blessed site it is to see those 2 feet on the ground!

Beth Herzinger said...

speed racer look out. you have competition.

Karen said...

Hey, what a couple of good lookin' legs! Show off!!!

Jackie said...

What a testimony to the power of prayer! We were amazed that you were up and walking so soon. Keep up the good work!

Dave and Barbie said...

First of all, we must tell you that we LOVE your photos, your wonderfully personal and descriptive narratives and YOUR personality shining through the updates. We feel like we are getting to know you which is a grand experience! Thank you for taking the time to add "personality" to the daily updates.
Second, please tell your mom how PROUD we are of her "leaning into the pain." Dave and I only spent 10 days with her in April in the Holy Land, but in that short time, we learned how both of your parents have faced great odds in their lives with courage and tenacity. This is only a visible continuation of what was already in their character, yes?
Could we ask you a small favor? At the end of each of your updates, could you include a "Prayer Requests" section and list what we can be praying for in "real time"? That would greatly help those of us in far away lands and give updates to our churches who are praying. Thank you, Carissa!
Barbie and Dave Schoeman

Matt and Marty said...

HiC—This is a terrific photo. What beautiful storytelling!

Marty and I echo the sentiments of everyone—kudos for allowing us to share in Cheryl's experience as fellow family members. Each update is so sensitively written, so transparent, so honoring of your mom and dad. We have been deeply blessed by your precious gift.

Please tell your mom how thrilled we are with the news of her courageous progress and with the prospect of seeing her soon, perhaps even this Friday when we're the "meals on wheels."

In the meantime, we're wishing you all the warmest of Christmas blessings!