Sunday, November 30, 2008


Some have asked how to leave a comment. Here are some instructions.

(note: Carissa is hijacking this entry and making some modifications for folks who are still having problems leaving comments...)

Before you create your comment, you need a Google Account, or a Gmail or Blogger account. Any one will work just fine.

If you don't have any of these things, but you want to leave a comment, do this:

(1) Go to this page: and create a new account. You'll be asked to supply an email address (use an email address that you can access easily), and create a password.

(2) After you've supplied the requested information and verified your new Google Account, log into your account. You can log into your account here:

(3) Go to the entry here on Cheryl Stands Tall where you want to leave a comment. Then...

At the bottom of each "post" is the word "comment" in green. Click on that. You'll see a screen with a box labeled LEAVE COMMENT. Put your words in here and remember they are posted for anyone to look at.

Next fill in WORD VERIFICATION by typing the same letters as on the screen.

Also, If you stay logged into your Google account, you should be able to leave comments much more easily in the future by just clicking on the comments section of any post.


Beth Herzinger said...

miss cheryl.

i love you, and am so excited for the new back that is coming your way [in short order]. i'm also pretty revved up about what life looks like for you post-healing. that is a fun thing to think about.

be brave and hopeful. we will do a good job of helping you with our part of your healing.

i say prayers. for your courage. for your strength. for the hands of the doctors that will touch this person i dig so much.

you are loved.


Kay said...

Wow! I'm so delighted that Carissa is on your side. :)
She's a great organizer, isn't she?
Praying for endurance as you go through this anticipatory period without the meds for your pain.
May the Lord enCOURAGE you today!

Karen said...

Really can't believe HOW you have functioned so well with your back and its deterioration. You are a much tougher cookie than I ever dreamed and you deserve much more credit for ALL YOU DO. You are truly courageous to have come this far. Courage, love, support and God's good guidance will carry you forward!

Unknown said...

What a great idea--this site that is. The surgery looks like something else. I just wanted to let you know I'm following you and praying with you through this. Debbie R

CathyDaniell said...

Dear Cheryl, I heard that you're not feeling too well (to put it mildly) and I wanted to let you know that I pray for you often throughout the day. Also, my twelve third graders are praying for you! I love your courageous spirit and optimism. It is inspiring, and is also a signpost to Christ during this Christmas season.
Love and blessings,
Cathy Daniell

Karen said...

As I mentioned to you this morning, this verse hit me this morning in my quiet time. It seems so perfect for you. It's from I Peter 5:10, NIV:

"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."


This the Lord will do for you with steadfast (read loving) determination.

The next verse reads: To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

...Which means that He is sovereign and in control of all things, heaven and earth, if we will just dare to trust Him.

Unknown said...

This is a test to see if this is set up correctly...

Love, Margie

Paul Wright said...

Hi Cheryl,

I might be blogging now; this is my first time so I can't be sure. What a world when 24/7 you can talk to your friends from Lilburn to around the world through something known as a Google/Blogger. If this appears then I will turn my talents to see if I can make Lura appear too.

See you in church,



Jim and Karen Bouchard said...

Thinking of you and praying.

Karen Bouchard

Jackie said...

We love you so much and will continue to pray for healing for you and strength, courage and peace for you, Doug and your family during this difficult time. If there is anything at all we can do for you, it would be an honor to serve you.

"Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear." Isaiah 65:24.

With love,
Don and Jackie

Kay said...

Dear Cheryl,
Up early praying for you. Is good to feel connected and "doing something" for you this early morning. I know the Lord is right there with you and draw comfort from that . . . as I know you do too.
Praying for strength and stamina for you and Doug and family today.
You have a whole army of "Aaron and Hurs" out here, so know that you are loved and we're in this battle with you. Love, Kay

Linda Suter said...

Oh sweet friend! You're on my mind and in my heart. I am continually praying for you. Psalm 34:7 says "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them."

