We're pretty excited realizing we are 6 months post surgery -- TODAY. I continue to check in with my surgeon's clinical nurse who tells me I'm doing splendidly. I thought so too :) She says the next 6 months will bring changes but oh so small. For instance I have a good amount of swelling in my lower back. She said that will take about 6 months to resolve. It's not a hindrance, except that my pants don't fit!
I'm feeling better and better and can feel myself with more energy these days. I'm trying to go to the gym or swim M-F. It isn't as much of a struggle to get up and out of here to do that like it used to be. A lot of the joint pain is waning -- oh happy day. Getting up from a chair, especially after 15-20 minutes is still very hard. I was told by the physical therapist that with my back being "rearranged" my nerves and muscles are struggling with what they are to do and how to do it. They are looking for their old paths or creating new ones. Amazing body God made for us with the ability to rearrange and recover. Walking quickly is hard. I still need my grabber to dress and use my handy sock tool to put on socks BUT I'm doing it myself.
It has been quite a journey. I did not believe them when they said 12 months recovery. Goodness, nothing takes 12 months. I think differently now.
The Lord has brought several others into my life who are approaching "THE" surgery. I cannot tell you how satisfying it is to encourage them and give insight into what recovery will be like. ( I remember this was one of my early prayer requests before surgery!!) Until now I have never known anyone who had had this humongous surgery so my trip has been very eye-opening. I have seen how some have struggled in ways I have not -- both with complications and with anxiety. I know as I have never known before how strong the prayers of God's people are in sustaining and encouraging. It is impossible to explain or put into words -- but it is so real.
Doug leaves next Wednesday for Nigeria for 3 weeks as a translation consultant (Wycliffe Bible Translators) for people groups with no written language and thus no Bible in their heart language. I am in a good place now and can manage myself fine. I'm very excited for his trip and what God allows to be done through him as well as what God does in him. It's pretty awesome and he's very grateful for the privilege.
Again, thank you for your continued prayers and interest in my progress. I still have 6 months more of bone growth to go.
Tall Cheryl