(note: Carissa is hijacking this entry and making some modifications for folks who are still having problems leaving comments...)
Before you create your comment, you need a Google Account, or a Gmail or Blogger account. Any one will work just fine.
If you don't have any of these things, but you want to leave a comment, do this:
(1) Go to this page: https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount and create a new account. You'll be asked to supply an email address (use an email address that you can access easily), and create a password.
(2) After you've supplied the requested information and verified your new Google Account, log into your account. You can log into your account here: https://www.google.com/accounts/Login
(3) Go to the entry here on Cheryl Stands Tall where you want to leave a comment. Then...
At the bottom of each "post" is the word "comment" in green. Click on that. You'll see a screen with a box labeled LEAVE COMMENT. Put your words in here and remember they are posted for anyone to look at.
Next fill in WORD VERIFICATION by typing the same letters as on the screen.
Also, If you stay logged into your Google account, you should be able to leave comments much more easily in the future by just clicking on the comments section of any post.